How to Setup Root auth password and Hostname in Juniper Router

Today we will learn a very small configuration of Juniper router. When the first-time Juniper router configuration starts, the router's Hostname and Root Authentication password must be set up. The hostname is not required but a Root Authentication password must be given. Otherwise, the configuration will not Commit/Save. So let's get started.

Configure auth password For User Root

Follow the below command to set a password for User Root.

jcluser@vMX-addr-0> configure
Entering configuration mode


jcluser@vMX-addr-0# set system root-authentication plain-text-password
New password:*******
Retype new password:*******

jcluser@vMX-addr-0# commit
commit complete


If you don't understand the above command, see the image below, hope you understand.

How do I change my Junos hostname?

We rename our routers to identify them by router name. But there are many people who cannot change Hostname in JunOS. Follow the below command to change the Hostname on the JunOS device.

jcluser@vMX-addr-0# set system host-name NIS-Core

jcluser@vMX-addr-0# show | compare
[edit system]
- host-name vMX-addr-0;
+ host-name NIS-Core;

jcluser@vMX-addr-0# commit check
configuration check succeeds

jcluser@vMX-addr-0# commit
commit complete


If you don't understand the above command, see the image below, hope you understand.


Today we know how to set the password for Juniper router user Root. Also learned how to change the Hostname of the JunOS device. If anyone has a problem understanding then comment. thank you

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