How to change Huawei Router BootROM Password

You can easily change the BootROM Password of your Huawei Router. Today we will discuss how to change the BootROM Password of the Huawei Router.

This method will work only on Huawei AR model routers V200R002C01 and later versions.

Step 1:

First, you need to connect a PC to the router or device with a serial cable and log into the router through the console port.

Step 2:

In step 2, the router or the device should be restarted. When the display shows this message, "Press Ctrl+B to break auto startup..." then you need to press Ctrl+B and enter the password in the BootROM Main menu on the display. Then hopefully you will see the following information on the display.

BIOS Creation Date: Nov 01 2023, 11:20:20


Start Memory Test ? ('t' or "T" is test):skip

Copying Data : Done

Uncompressing: Done

USB2 Host Stack Initialized

USB2 Hub Driver Initialized

USBD Wind River Systems, Ins. 562 Initialized

Octeon Host Controller Initialize.....Done

Press Ctrl+B to break auto startup...2

The default password in V200R003C01 Huawei and the default password in V200R005C00 and later version is Admin@huawei.

Step 3:

In step 3 some menu will appear. To change the password, select the number 7 menu. This is the Password Manager menu.

* Main menu

1. Default Startup

2. Serial Menu

3. Network Menu

4. Startup Select

5. File Manager

6. Reboot

7. Password Manager

Enter your choice(1-6):7

Step 4:

In step 4, the password menu will open, then select the number 1 option. It is Modify the menu password option.

* Password Menu

1. Modify the menu password.

2. Clear the console login password.

3. Return

Enter your choice(0-1):1

If you want modify password, Press Ctrl+c to break.

Enter your old password: **********

Input new password: ********

Input new password again:********

Are you sure to change password?[y/n]:Y

Save new password Success.

Congratulation Your device's BootROM password has been changed. If you also get any problem then please comment thanks.


* Keep your password secure.
* Enter the password carefully while changing the password.
* When performing an operation, Then make sure the serial port user keeps online.
* Do not enter BootROM randomly while doing any work. It may cause problems on your device. If possible, contact Huawei technical support center for support.

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