How to Create Read Access User In BDCOM OLT & Switch

Hello friends, today we will discuss Read Access in BDCOM OLT & Switch. Today we will know how to create Read Access User in BDCOM OLT & Switch. so let's get started.

Actually, why do we need a read-mode user?

When you work as a System Admin in a system, you will have many Assistant Support Engineers with you. When you don't want to give them full access to any device running on the system. Let the live network go down, it is not a system admin.

Then you can create this Read Access. They can do whatever work they have through the Read Access User. For this reason, it is very important for those of us who are system admins to learn Read User Creation.

Read User Creation Commands:

switch_config#localauthor Read
switch_config_localauthor_Read#exec privilege default 8
switch_config#username technicalafnan password 123456 author-group Read
switch_config#write all

If you do not understand the above command, see the image below, I hope you will understand.

After logging in with this user access, it will be seen as hidden. Only certain tasks can be done with this user. This access is read-only and the configuration cannot be changed.

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