How secure is VPN? - VPN Facts you didn’t know!

Is VPN only used to visit illegal and unauthorized websites? Does it mean VPN is all illegal? Honestly, there are so many questions that come to our minds regarding VPNs.
Well, although we are very familiar with the term VPN, we don't know what its actual function is. Also, we have many misconceptions about VPNs.

So today we will easily explain what VPN is? How does VPN work? And try to break down the misconceptions we have about VPNs. So let's get started.

What is VPN?

So let's first know what is VPN? VPN full form is Virtual Private Network, And without going too deep about it, we can easily see with an example how VPN works?

When you surf the Internet, if you make a request from your device that you want to visit Facebook or YouTube, or any website, then that request first goes to your ISP's server. ISP stands for Internet Service Provider which may be your mobile data company. See the picture below.

So your request goes to that website through them. It can be any website. There are gaps between these connections, anyone can make a bridge here and grab your valuable data. The data includes an IP address and there is a chance to grab other important information.

How Does VPN Work?

If you use VPN then your request will go to a VPN client server first. From where your Data Packet will be encrypted. Then through a secret tunnel to the ISP server. Then again through a secret tunnel another VPN Client server will reach the final destination.

During this process, your entire data will be encrypted, as well as your IP address will also be changed. So even if someone can bridge your data, still you will not get your actual data. Because all the data is encrypted.

By using VPN in this way, you can stay safe and secure on the Internet. This is how VPN works. VPN is not only used to hide IP addresses. Rather VPN is used to stay safe on the Internet.

Misconceptions about VPN:

So finally this time we will know the misconceptions we have about VPNs. See below for a nice list of misconceptions and their solutions.

1. VPN is only used for illegal purposes!

So our first misconception is that VPN is only used to visit illegal or unauthorized websites. This is not true at all. The working of a VPN has been nicely explained above. VPN is used for your internet privacy or safety. Let your data be encrypted. No one else can steal your data.

Another thing is that the first VPN was only used by government organizations and business organizations to stay safe on the Internet. So the work of a VPN is not only to visit unauthorized websites.

2. Use a VPN to stay hidden!

The second misconception is that many people think that by using VPN we become completely anonymous and we have no trace on the internet. This idea is completely wrong. Yes, you can add external security to your data using VPN.

So that no one else steals your data. But if you do something illegal on the Internet, the Authority wants to trace you. Then it is possible.

3. Proxy and VPN are the same!

A third misconception is that proxy and VPN are the same. Well, a Proxy works only to hide your IP Address. And VPN encrypts your data as well as hides your IP address. So VPN has an extra layer of security. which is not in the proxy.

Maybe you can visit a banned website by using the proxy. But requests and data are not encrypted. So this is the difference between VPN and proxy.

4. Tor browser and VPN are the same!

A final misconception is that many people think that Tor Browser and VPN are the same things. This is a misconception. A VPN is a single server. So when you send any data it goes through a single VPN server to the final destination.

On another side, Tor Browser is a decentralized server. Where volunteers maintain multiple servers, and your entire internet connection is encrypted through multiple servers and then reaches the final destination.


So these were all the misconceptions we have about VPNs. Hope your misconceptions are broken. And when using a VPN you should definitely try to use a VPN from a reputable company. If you have trouble understanding then comment. thank you

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