How To Delete Offline ONU In VSOL OLT

Why need to Delete ONU?

We know that EPON can be up to 64 ONUs on each PON port in the OLT of any Vendor. Can't do more than that. On the other side, 128 ONUs can be installed on each PON port in the GPON OLT of any vendor. Another thing is that each PON port in EPON OLT has 64 sub-interfaces for 64 ONUs and GPON OLT has 128 sub-interfaces for 128 ONUs.

Sometimes it is seen that if any ONU is damaged due to mechanical failure, it has to be changed and installed with another ONU. Many times it is seen that the sub-interface on which the ONU was destroyed is not deleted. Due to this, only the sub-interfaces of the PON port become full.

How to Delete Offline ONU:

The thing is How to Delete Onu In VSOL OLT. Today I will show how to delete unused & Offline ONU. Below is the command to delete ONU. This command will support EPON OLT. So without further ado let's learn how to delete ONU.


Username: admin

Password: Xpon@Olt9417#

epon-OLT> ena

Password: Xpon@Olt9417#

epon-OLT#configure terminal


epon-OLT(config)#show onu auth-info all >>(It will show all ONUs info of all PON ports.)

epon-OLT(config)#show onu auth-info pon 2>>(It will show ONUs info of specific PON port.)

The ONUs marked in the above image is offline in our PON Port. Here it is seen that the sub-interfaces 11 and 25 to 35 of number 2 PON port are occupied only. We will delete them now. Follow the below command to delete one.

ONU Delete Command:

epon-OLT(config)# interface epon 0/2

epon-OLT(config-pon-0/2)# no onu auth onuid 11

epon-OLT(config-pon-0/2)# no onu auth onuid 25

epon-OLT(config-pon-0/2)# no onu auth onuid 26

epon-OLT(config-pon-0/2)# no onu auth onuid 27

epon-OLT(config-pon-0/2)# no onu auth onuid 28

epon-OLT(config-pon-0/2)# no onu auth onuid 29

epon-OLT(config-pon-0/2)# no onu auth onuid 30

epon-OLT(config-pon-0/2)# no onu auth onuid 31

epon-OLT(config-pon-0/2)# no onu auth onuid 32

epon-OLT(config-pon-0/2)# no onu auth onuid 33

epon-OLT(config-pon-0/2)# no onu auth onuid 34

epon-OLT(config-pon-0/2)# no onu auth onuid 35

epon-OLT(config-pon-0/2)# exit

epon-OLT(config)# exit

epon-OLT# write

2000/02/04 17:29:16     System Config Save    save Configuration

Configuration saved to /vs/config/usrcfg.conf



So today we learned how to delete offline ONUs from VSOL OLT. Hope everyone understands. If anyone doesn't understand then comment. Thanks.

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