Wi-Fi Slow? Ping High? How to Find & Fix this Issue?

In today's article, we will know Internet Slow, ping, Latency, Response Time, etc. Besides, you are in a lot of trouble with Wi-Fi and want to be able to identify where is the problem, even if you can't do Slove. This article will help you understand where the problem. Is it at the user end or at the ISP end? And if you can get a rough idea of where the problem is, then you don't have to get angry with the ISP. So let's get started.

To figure out the solution with latency, we must know about Traceroute. With this Traceroute, many people mistake it for Ping. Many people think that Traceroute and Ping are the same things. So, after knowing the differences between Ping and Traceroute, I will show you the total process of Traceroute, and if you can complete this process correctly, then you will understand where is the problem.


So first we will know what is ping. The full meaning of Ping is Packet Inter-Network Groper. This means roaming the data pockets. Ping time is basically the time it takes for a single packet to travel from one source to another destination or receive an echo reply from it. Mainly this ping is used to measure latency, also what is the status of the domain you want to work on? Also, to understand how much latency there is in that domain, you need to ping that domain.
To ping, click Windows+R from your computer's keyboard, then Run will open, write CMD and click enter and the Command Prompt option will open. For example, let's say we ping any website now like let's ping Google. With ping, the PC will send 4 data to Google, and just like that, 4 different replies will come for 4 packets. The time that these replies actually took will be shown here, and this time is the amount of individual latency.


First of all, let's say one thing fiber did not come directly from Google to your PC. It's many locations, many switches, and many routers, connecting to your home through your ISP. So the Internet is basically a global network of many routers, and these routers are connected to different types of computers and servers. The job of routers is basically to create a worldwide network by connecting one to another. If you send any data from anywhere, it can be routed or redirected to the destination by targeting the host. Traceroute works exactly here.
Traceroute basically finds out the path where you send the data, goes through which router, and then reaches the destination. Not only that, but you will also see how much latency a router is experiencing at any point along the way, where the packet has to wait. So let's see Traceroute through Google. If you want to do Traceroute, go to the Command Prompt and type tracert, with space for Google's address, then click enter then Traceroute will start with Google. Then our PC will ping the Google server, before that it will send 3 data packets to each of the routers on its way and as a reply to the ping of each of those routers it will send 3 more packets to our PC. As a result, 3 ping times for each router will be shown on our PC, as well as each router's IP Address.

You have understood by now that our data has reached the Google server through many routers. Note that the first column that appears is numbered from 1-8 from top to bottom through which you can understand how many hops or how many routers our data has gone to Google. After that, the 3 consecutive columns are the time of each of the 3 data sent from each router, and you see 3 consecutive times for the 3 data. So while pinging we saw that only Google's last destination showed the time taken there, And while doing the traceroute we can see the ping of each hop or each stage but we can see, that is, you can see how many deals are generated at each hop. And while doing the traceroute we can see the ping of each hop or each stage but we can see, that is, you can see how many deals are generated at each hop.

Find Out Issue with Traceroute:

See the image below. The first line is our router. Next is our ISP's router. The next line is our ISP's mother ISP's router. The ping appears to be 1 ms here. So we have no problem here. As you can see in the 2nd photo, the ping time is from 1-4 in our country, so the times have gradually increased in a very normal way. But in the 3rd picture, you can see that there is a very big latency hit in the 5th picture, about 35 ms. The problem may be that the distance from this place is too much. The IP address of that place must be identified where it suddenly went and made a huge jump while the ping was low.





Basically the latency I'm getting here is very low just pinged google as an example. But when you see that the latency from your end becomes 200 ms or 500 ms at once from 3/4/5, it will be beneficial if you can identify the source of this problem.
I hope you understand the point. If you don't understand then please comment. I will try to support everyone.

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