How to Configure Port Mirroring In BDCOM Switch

Port mirroring is very important for us. Today we will learn why to do port mirroring on the BDCOM switch and how to configure port mirroring. If we do this will benefit us? We know what mirror means, so in a word, port mirroring is a copy of the traffic request of the network's server that provides bandwidth to another server to analyze the data. Because there is not all valid traffic in a network, some invalid traffic is also there. Port mirroring is done to analyze invalid traffic. If you want to analyze the data, it is best to analyze the data from the switch.

So let's begin,

How do I set up port mirroring?

Follow the below command to do port mirroring. First, you need to log in to the switch with a username and password.



switch> enable



switch_config#mirror session 1 destination interface g0/14

switch_config#mirror session 1 source interface tg0/2 both

switch_config#write all


This is the only command, you can configure the port mirroring of your switch using the above command. Here we have used 2 commands one is the destination and the other is the source. Here the Destination interface is the port to which the Analyze server is connected, And the source interface is the port from which we want to analyze the data.


Hope everyone understood how to port mirroring is configured.
If there is any problem understanding then please write a comment. I will try to support everyone. Thanks.

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