How to set Enable Password in BDCOM OLT or Switch

Enable Password:

Today we will learn a very important topic. That is how to set Enable password on BDCOM OLT or switch. It is a very simple matter. But it is very important. Enabling password increases the security of our OLT or switch. I hope you will be very helpful. Especially those who are new to networking. it will benefit a lot. It's a very simple thing but many people can't set it. But mistakes are made by humans. Try as I am doing and you will be successful.


After logging into BDCOM OLT or Switch, the first mode that will appear in User Exec Mode. If enable mode is turned on it will be Privilege mode. After enabling on, you need to go to config mode to do any configuration on OLT or switch. The config# mode in Global Configuration Mode.

Enable Password set:

So let's configure step by step.

Step 1:

Today we will configure enable password on a BDCOM OLT. First, you need to log in to your OLT or Switch with a username and password.

Username: admin

Welcome to BDCOM P3310D EPON OLT


Step 2:

Then you need to open the global configuration mode

Alamin-OLT> Enable

Step 3:

Now you need to go into configuration mode. Follow the below command to enter configuration mode.


Step 4:

This step is very important. To set the enable password, this command must be given in the configuration. Take a good look at the following command.

Alamin-OLT>config#aaa authentication enable default to enable

First, it is None by default. It means this option is off. Running the above command will enable it.

Step 5:

Our Final work is done. Now we just need to enter the password. So let's enter our password.

Alamin-OLT>config# enable password admin123


Here we have given our password admin123. I hope you can understand the matter very easily. If you don't understand then definitely comment. I will try to support everyone. Thanks.

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